DK & DF extraction

Dk Df extraction provides customers with the actual values of different materials produced through various heat pressing methods. This enables the establishment of a Research and Development (R&D) material characteristics database, allowing the accumulation of experiential data in a quantifiable manner for use in the assessment and development of other projects.

Under different temperature conditions, the fundamental properties of materials undergo changes. For typical materials, the dielectric constant (Dk) tends to decrease with an increase in temperature, while the dissipation factor (Df) tends to rise, leading to increased energy loss. Therefore, in specific application scenarios, engineers need to focus on the Dk and Df values at different temperatures.

    Arcanum Advanced Inc. offers measurements of dielectric constant and dissipation factor for samples under high-temperature conditions. This involves using a temperature-controlled chamber and temperature-resistant wiring for measurements under elevated temperature conditions. The currently supported testing temperature is up to 120°C. For detailed information, please feel free to contact us.

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